[Coin-symphony] Symphony 5.1 X11R6 lib, pvm, vrp

Ted Ralphs tkralphs at lehigh.edu
Mon Jul 11 11:47:59 EDT 2005

Alexandre Le Bouthillier wrote:
> 0) if static librairy are used the ldd of symphony still show links to 
> coin .so lib.

Thanks, I will look into this.

> 1) Short comment on compilation:
> When compiling the new version (5.1 of today) of Symphony, it complains about 
> the -ltermcap (even if its installed - that's might be a problem with my Suse 
> 9.3) and complains with X11.
> I think that by default the X11 path are included but not the X11R6 one so we 
> need to include it as it is with X11LIBPATHS.

The dependence on the X11 libraries was meant to be removed from the 
Makefile, as it's not needed unless you are using the interactive graph 
drawing feature. I will check into this.

> I had to replace in the makefile line 139 to make it compile
> SYSLIBS = -L/usr/lib/termcap -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lpthread #-lefence
> even if there was a definition for X11LIBPATHS = /usr/X11R6/lib.
> (maybee not the ideal place to do that but I thought I would mention it)

OK, I will check into it.

> 2) pvm - here what I did so far
> remove in the config file the # before pvm
> comment the comm_protocol=none and uncomment the one with pvm
> set the SYM_COMPILE_IN_TM_LP to false
> make successfully
> as well I got warning 
> Linking symphony_lp_cg ...
> /usr/lib/pvm3/lib/LINUX/libpvm3.a(lpvmgen.o)(.text+0x294): In function 
> `pvmlogperror':
> : warning: `sys_errlist' is deprecated; use `strerror' or `strerror_r' instead
> /usr/lib/pvm3/lib/LINUX/libpvm3.a(lpvmgen.o)(.text+0x28b): In function 
> `pvmlogperror':
> : warning: `sys_nerr' is deprecated; use `strerror' or `strerror_r' instead

This is normal. It's because PVM has not been maintained and uses 
deprecated library calls.

> and
> Linking symphony_m_tm ...
> /usr/lib/pvm3/lib/LINUX/libpvm3.a(lpvmgen.o)(.text+0x294): In function 
> `pvmlogperror':
> : warning: `sys_errlist' is deprecated; use `strerror' or `strerror_r' instead
> /usr/lib/pvm3/lib/LINUX/libpvm3.a(lpvmgen.o)(.text+0x28b): In function 
> `pvmlogperror':
> : warning: `sys_nerr' is deprecated; use `strerror' or `strerror_r' instead
> but compile and only make the symphony_lp_cg and the symphony_m_tm (not the 
> symphony)

symphony_m_tm is the primary executable. the "_m_tm" part means that the 
master and treemanager modules are part of that particular executable. 
Running "symphony_m_tm" as you would "symphony" is the sequential case 
should work fine. (Note: I just changed the Makefile slightly so that 
you may also see "_cp" (stands for "cut pool") on the end of the 
executable name, but you should always just run the one that has "_m" in 
the name).

> pvm < hostfile.pvm
> I use pvm with ssh and I suppose I should use symphony_lp_cg or 
> symphony_m_tm ?
> a) how do I launch symphony with pvm ?

First, start PVM, then run symphony_m_tm as usual. Make sure you 
symphony_lp_cg is in your PVM executable path. The easiest way is to put 
a soft link to it from ~/pvm3/bin/LINUX.

> b) how do I launch the sample application vrp with pvm ?

Set COMPILE_IN_LP = FALSE in the VRP Makefile and build as usual. You 
should get executable names like you do with SYMPHONY, except that they 
will start with "vrp" instead of "symphony." They can be run the same 
way as the sequential executable.

> 3) any comments in how to add time windows to the vrp, suggestions, pointers ?
> Last question: with the vrp there is a drawing option -d
> it say Comm Error: Unknown communications protocol what should be the 
> problem ?

Getting the graph drawing module up and running will probably be 
nontrivial. The first step is to make the graph drawing executable with 
PVM enabled. With the COMM_PROTOCOL set to PVM, type "make dg." After 
that, you have to get IGD running with the tcl/tk libraries. It should 
still work in theory, but I haven't tried it for quite a while. I can 
try to help if you want to give it a go.


Dr. Ted Ralphs
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
tkralphs at lehigh.edu

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