[Ipopt] Continual Crashes with Mac OS-X MATLAB Mex Files

Ipopt User ipoptuser at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 12:51:09 EST 2015

Anil, if you feel confident using debuggers, it may help to get some more
information about this bug. You would need a debug build of both ipopt and
the mex interface, start the debugger, and wait for the bug to occur (

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Anil V. Rao <anilvrao at gmail.com> wrote:

> Tony
> I am surprised that Windows is the most stable platform for using Ipopt
> with MATLAB. I switched to a Mac for stability and I am finding that it
> might not have been the best decision in the long run.
> Anil
> Anil V. Rao, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
> University of Florida
> Gainesville, FL 32611-6250
> Tel: 352-672-1529 (cell)
> Email:  anilvrao at gmail.com
> On Jan 19, 2015, at 1:41 PM, Tony Kelman <kelman at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>  No one who has reported these issues has yet provided a reproducible
> test case, so I don’t know. My guess is users on Linux would have reported
> problems if they were having any. There are plenty of build-related
> problems having to do with integer sizes in BLAS on Linux, but I know how
> to solve those. From what I’ve seen, the Linux mex file either doesn’t work
> at all when the linear solver tries to use BLAS because of an integer size
> mismatch, or it works fairly reliably without crashing.
> I also don’t have access to Matlab on any Linux machines at the moment, so
> even if someone were to send me a test problem I wouldn’t be able to run it
> under Linux Matlab right now.
> -Tony
>  *From:* Anil V. Rao <anilvrao at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, January 19, 2015 10:27 AM
> *To:* Tony Kelman <kelman at berkeley.edu>
> *Cc:* mailto:ipopt at list.coin-or.org <ipopt at list.coin-or.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [Ipopt] Continual Crashes with Mac OS-X MATLAB Mex Files
>  Tony
> Does this same problem exist in linux?
> Anil
> Anil V. Rao, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
> University of Florida
> Gainesville, FL 32611-6250
> Tel: 352-672-1529 (cell)
> Email:  anilvrao at gmail.com
> On Jan 19, 2015, at 12:30 PM, Tony Kelman <kelman at berkeley.edu> wrote:
>   Not owning an actual Mac myself, all I can say here is keep trying
> different combinations of Blas and Lapack implementations (BUILD vs
> -framework Accelerate vs -lblas), and GCC vs Clang compilers for the C and
> C++ components, different settings for -stdlib=libstdc++ vs -stdlib=libc++
> (in ADD_CXXFLAGS, probably), and shared vs static linking
> (--enable-matlab-static).
> Based on tickets #250 and #252, the problem might be due to the exceptions
> that Ipopt throws internally for flow control in different unusual
> algorithmic conditions. Your code is apparently especially susceptible to
> those numerical issues that cause problems. It’s possible something could
> be done in Matlab mex interface code to mitigate this or make things more
> robust. But as I’ve said before, I don’t personally use Matlab any more, or
> own a Mac. I only use Ipopt via its C API these days with the Julia
> bindings, though we don’t have access to Matlab’s MA57 there which is an
> issue. Acceptable loss for now, in exchange for freedom from Matlab.
> If Mumps 5.0 can provide multithreading and be faster than MA57, or if
> someone wants to have a look at Elemental’s new sparse LDL which can return
> inertia and should be usable by Ipopt, I think those are good long-term
> projects worth looking into, since they can benefit everyone whether or not
> you use Matlab.
> -Tony
>  *From:* Anil Rao <anilvrao at gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Monday, January 19, 2015 7:52 AM
> *To:* ipopt at list.coin-or.org
> *Subject:* [Ipopt] Continual Crashes with Mac OS-X MATLAB Mex Files
>    All,
> I am writing again about continual crashes in Mac OS-X with MATLAB.   It
> does not matter whether we compile our own Mac OS-X mex file or use the
> precompiled mex files.  In either case the IPOPT mex file causes fatal
> crashes in MATLAB.  I note that the fatal crash occurs using either the
> built-in version of MA57 or Mumps.  Much to my surprise the crashes with
> Mac versions of MATLAB do not seem to exist in Windows.
> I do not know what to do to fix the problem.  My goal is to compile a
> "crash-free" mex file using the MATLAB MA57 library.  In other words, I do
> not want to create a mex file that requires the MA57 source code because I
> want to be able to distribute the mex file.
> I am grateful if somebody can help.
> Regards,
> Anil Rao
> --
>  Anil V. Rao, PhD
> Associate Professor
> Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
> University of Florida
> Gainesville, FL 32611-6250
> Tel:  (352) 672-1529
> E-mail:  anilvrao at gmail.com
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