[Ipopt] libc.lib

Alberto Jorrín Rodríguez albejor2002 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 5 11:52:53 EST 2008

Dear Stefan,

   I try to include the -MT option in the makefile.vc but the problems when I rebuild all are there yet.

   One question:

    In the next step, when we make libf2c:

2 - Open a Visual Studio DOS prompt and go into the directory

    cd BASDIR\Ipopt\MSVisualStudio\v8\libf2c\

   Here, type

   nmake -f makefile.vc all

  When you say Open a Visual Studio DOS prompt, I open a MSDOS comands line, but not related with Visual Studio...  Could be this my problem??? What do you want to say with "Open a Visual Studio DOS prompt"?

Thanks a lot


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