[Coin-ipopt] A Matlab volunteer?
damien at khubla.com
damien at khubla.com
Mon Jul 30 13:42:43 EDT 2007
If you download Microsoft's Platform SDK for 64-bit (it's free), you get
the Visual Studio 8 32 and 64-bit C++ compilers and a decent
implementation of the STL.
> Hi,
>> I thought I'd try this out on my WinXP X64 machine. Creating MEX files
>> is working fine but I can't get IPOPT to compile on this machine in the
>> usual way, i.e. before adding any flags for the MEX work. It seems the
>> problem is my stdlibc++ on this machine is quite old but I'm not sure
>> how to update it, and the recent updates I made should have been quite
>> recent. Perhaps somebody who's built IPOPT on Win64 with the Intel
>> compilers can give me a hint about their setup on this platform.
> I was googleing a bit and you do not seem to be the first one having
> problems with the STL on windows.
> On
> <http://groups.google.de/group/comp.lang.c++.moderated/browse_thread/thread/9c6221f263fb0515/fdc0724eb4d47caa?lnk=st&q=basic_string+push_back&rnum=1&hl=de#fdc0724eb4d47caa>
> they suggest to update the STL.
> Probably not the solution you had in mind, but maybe you can also 'hack
> around' the push_back problems (using insert or append instead), if
> there are not too many?
> And then maybe you can also convince Andreas to put your changes into
> Ipopt (probably you'll need to open a ticket then), so others with an
> incomplete STL does not get into the same trouble :-).
> Best,
> Stefan
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