[Coin-ipopt] A Matlab volunteer?

Stefan Vigerske stefan at vigerske.de
Sun Jul 29 09:39:14 EDT 2007


> I thought I'd try this out on my WinXP X64 machine.  Creating MEX files
> is working fine but I can't get IPOPT to compile on this machine in the
> usual way, i.e. before adding any flags for the MEX work.  It seems the
> problem is my stdlibc++ on this machine is quite old but I'm not sure
> how to update it, and the recent updates I made should have been quite
> recent.  Perhaps somebody who's built IPOPT on Win64 with the Intel
> compilers can give me a hint about their setup on this platform.

I was googleing a bit and you do not seem to be the first one having
problems with the STL on windows.
they suggest to update the STL.

Probably not the solution you had in mind, but maybe you can also 'hack
around' the push_back problems (using insert or append instead), if
there are not too many?
And then maybe you can also convince Andreas to put your changes into
Ipopt (probably you'll need to open a ticket then), so others with an
incomplete STL does not get into the same trouble :-).


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