[Coin-ipopt] IPOPT+CUTEr can't work

Lihong Zhang lihong at ee.washington.edu
Wed Nov 9 02:08:22 EST 2005

Hi All,

I want to use IPOPT to solve nonlinear problems modelled
in SIF. I encountered some problems on the installation.
I have installed SifDec, CUTEr and IPOPT. I defined the
following environment variables: CUTER, MYCUTER,
SIFDEC, MYSIFDEC, MASTSIF. Now the "sifdecode"
can work. However, when I typed "sdipopt HS11.SIF",
the following message was obtained.

[lihong at si]tmp> sdipopt
Problem name: HS11

Double precision version will be formed.

The objective function uses        1 nonlinear group

There  is        1 nonlinear inequality constraint

There are        2 free variables

-lipopt object file not in
Terminating execution.

By the way, IPOPT+AMPL works perfectly. The version of
IPOPT that I am using is release 2.2.1e (Fortran).
Could you please give me any help on this issue? Is anything wrong
with my installation?

Any of your suggestions are strongly appreciated. I look forward
to hearing from you.

Best regards,


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