[Coin-ipopt] installation problem in ipopt

Fri Jul 30 07:52:48 EDT 2004

Dear Sir, 
Thank you for your consideration Sir. I'm happy to receive a reply from you.
I told about the problem I faced yesterday and you asked for more information. 
I wanted to work on windows so I downloaded the Cygwin, however cygwin couldn't use the " wget command " so it couldn't get the zipped third party components from the web.,Then, I downloaded the wget however I couldn't use cygwin and wget simultaneously, I mean the cygwin still can't recognize the "wget " command. So, I downloaded the components according the installation instructions. I configure using "./configure" command in the cygwin. It did the configuration successfully ( At least it said so ). But cywin doesn't recognize the command " make install " . Thus, I decided to use a remote unix machine through telnet. In that unix machine it recognized all the commands and did the configuration and installation easily. It formed a file in the " bin " folder at the end of the installation, as it is said in the instructions. But this file has no format in windows environment. I mean it is not an .exe file. So I rename the file as ipopt.exe and copy it to " ampl folder " in the windows environment. When I apply it as a solver in AMPL it gives error as below;

" ampl: option solver ipopt;
ampl: model prod0.mod;
ampl: solve;
One or more CON code pages invalid for given keyboard code
Program too big to fit in memory
can't open at2276.sol "

I 'm also sending the config.log file ( I did the configuration in a remote uniz machine, not in the cygwin) to directly your email.
Thank you for your time,


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