[FlopCpp] #include <CoinPackedVector.hpp> in MP_Model.hpp

Christophe-Marie Duquesne chm.duquesne at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 05:44:26 EST 2009


I'm starting to use flopcpp and I'm experiencing trouble using it.

Since I'm not authorised to mess with the installed programs on the
system I'm working on, I have to install it on a local directory. It
is not a problem since flopcpp uses the autotools: I just use the
standard method and create /home/user/localinstalldir, ./configure
--prefix=/home/user/localinstalldir/, make, make test, make install.

Then, I do a very simple test: I create the following file foo.cpp containing:

#include <coin/flopc.hpp>

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    return 0;

This is meant to test if I can safely include flopcpp headers.

I try to compile this:
g++ foo.cpp -I/home/user/localinstalldir/include -o foo

I get the following error:
In file included from /home/user/localinstalldir/include/coin/flopc.hpp:20,
                 from foo.cpp:1:
/home/user/localinstalldir/include/coin/MP_model.hpp:20:32: error:
CoinPackedVector.hpp: No such file or directory

MP_model.hpp makes the following include:
#include <CoinPackedVector.hpp>

Which is equivalent to assume that CoinPacketVector.hpp will be found
in the system headers. However, in a standard osi installation, I
don't think this is true, and you're more likely to find it with
#include <coin/CoinPackedVector.hpp>

Alternatively, since flopcpp is meant to be delivered in the same
directory as coin-osi, you could do
#include "CoinPackedVector.hpp"

Both approaches have proven to work for me. Could this be fixed
upstream? Or would you mind providing me an alternative method?

Thank you,
Christophe-Marie Duquesne

PS: Attached is the file I've been trying to compile.
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