[Coin-discuss] How to speed-up Cbc?

John J Forrest jjforre at us.ibm.com
Fri Jan 26 08:45:43 EST 2007


Thank you - I will look at problem.

John Forrest

Michal Kaut <mail at michalkaut.net> 
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01/26/2007 08:06 AM
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[Coin-discuss] How to speed-up Cbc?


I am working with a MIP problem. I have tried a couple of solvers and 
Cbc is by far the slowest one. Can someone give me a hint which options 
can I use to speed this particular problem up? I attach an MPS file.

On my computer, CPLEX uses under 0.5 seconds, glpsol (from GLPK) 0.2 
seconds(!) and lpsolve 3.5 seconds, while Cbc with default settings 
almost 16 seconds. I tried both my own compiled binary (Windows with 
MSYS and MinGW) and both binaries from the "Coin Binary" project.

I tried several options and found that I can get the time down to 6.5 
seconds using "-heur off", but it is still much slower than the rest.
Note that this just a test example. I have a bigger version that takes 
under 40 seconds with both CPLEX and glpsol, while Cbc did not solve it 
in more than 20 minutes (then I gave up and stopped it).

Any help would be appreciated.

Michal Kaut
[attachment "small_test.zip" deleted by John J Forrest/Watson/IBM] 
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