[Coin-discuss] COIN compatibility with gcc 2.95.2

Kish Shen ks15 at icparc.ic.ac.uk
Tue Aug 2 14:43:51 EDT 2005


I recently downloaded various COIN-OR components and have been attempting to
install them.

My main interest is in seeing how OSI will work with our own Constraint
Logic Programming system, ECLiPSe, as an interface to MP
solvers. Currently, we have our own interface (eplex) to CPLEX and
Xpress-MP. Using OSI will give us access to more solvers than we currently

I had looked at COIN/OSI in May 2004, and at the time I didn't have any
problems building the components on our system.

However, this time round, I have ran into several problems building various
components, and the root of the problem is that I need to compile using
either gcc 2.95 or 2.96 to ensure that the code will run on most of the
Linux machines we have. According to the INSTALL files, this should be fine
-- g++ 2.95.2 or higher should work.

However, there are several problems I have ran into:

1) g++ 2.96 seg faults when compiling Clp -- I have already posted about this
   separately on the Clp mailing list.

2) Various files in the Coin support (i.e. in the Coin directory) requires
   an additional include of <stdio.h>, as FILE is not defined.

3) OsiXprSolverInterface.cpp includes <sstream>, which does not exist for
   g++ 2.95, and I had to compile OsiXpr with 2.96 to get around this.

4) The Makefile for SYMPHONY doesn't seem to work on the machine that had
   g++ 2.95.2 -- I assume this is a make (gmake) rather than a gcc problem.

Is it still intended that the code will compile with gcc 2.95.2? 

On running the compiled code, I have ran into a seg fault with Clp built
with gcc 2.95.2, on a LP test problem:

Clp0006I 77131  Obj 1.46482e+07 Primal inf 0.000549188 (239) Dual inf 4.46016e-21 (3)
Clp0006I 77247  Obj 1.46482e+07 Primal inf 7.08685e-05 (283) Dual inf 4.46016e-21 (3)
Segmentation fault

This problem was successfully solved by Clp when I compiled it using gcc


Kish Shen

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