[Coin-discuss] FLOPC++ in COIN?

Ted Ralphs tkralphs at lehigh.edu
Wed Apr 27 12:15:39 EDT 2005


Following up on Matt's e-mail, it's great to hear that you're still 
interested in putting FLOPC++ in COIN and in further developing it. 
Coincidentally, I used FLOPC++ to implement a solver with SYMPHONY just 
last week and I found it to be extremely useful for prototyping. I was 
able to quickly and easily develop a custom solver with my own cut 
generation subroutines using FLOPC++ as a front end to generate the 
model. It was great! I found a few bugs that I will report to you 
off-line. We will follow up with you off-line about contribution procedures.

Dr. Ted Ralphs
Assistant Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
tkralphs at lehigh.edu

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