[Coin-discuss] FLOPC++ in COIN?

Tim Hultberg Tim.Hultberg at eumetsat.int
Wed Apr 27 10:19:28 EDT 2005

   some years ago I asked if there would be interest in including
FLOPC++ (An open source algebraic modelling language implemented as a
C++ class library, see http://www.mat.ua.pt/thh/flopc/) in COIN. At that
time it was not possible.

In the last 18 months I have had no time to work on FLOPC++. Now I hope
to get a little time and I have also found some people willing to help
resolving issues such as memory leaks spotted by VALGRIND and VISUAL C++
compatibility. For this I need to set up a central CVS repository.
Therefore I inquire again about the possibilities of including FLOPC++
in COIN (I think it makes more sense than having it hosted by
SourceForge or similar).

Best regards,
                        Tim Hultberg

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