[Coin-discuss] problem with examples and pvm

Paul Pacheco paul.pacheco at wavecode.com
Wed Sep 3 15:18:20 EDT 2003

I am trying to make the example BranchAndCut with pvm. I am having some 

The documentation seems very outdated. Here are the problems that I saw with 
the documentation wich are easilly fixable:

- It is very hard to find where COMM_PROTOCOL should be changed. You should 
update the documentation to say that it is in Makefile.maxcut (it is there, 
right?). If put it in the Makefile, it doesn't work.

- Please explain that PVM_ARCH should be set. I could not get it to compile 
withouth it. 

- the executable that is generated is not called bcpp as the documentation 
says. it is still bcps.

- It would help if you provided a sample code of how to make the link. I know 
it may seem trivial, but for someone who has never done it (me) the 
documetation is confusing. something like this would suffice:
	ln -s $PWD/Linux-g/bcps $PVM_ROOT/bin/$PVM_ARCH/

- MaxCut is not where the documentation says it is.

Now, I got it to compile. created the link in the $PVM_ROOT/bin/$PVM_ARCH 
directory. Now I am trying to run it and I am getting the following error:

# Linux-g/bcps junger1.par
BCP_parameters::read_from_stream   Scanning parameter stream.
BCP_parameters::read_from_stream   Scanning parameter stream.
BCP_parameters::read_from_stream   Scanning parameter stream.
BCP_parameters::read_from_stream   Scanning parameter stream.
BCP_parameters::read_from_stream   Scanning parameter stream.
BCP_parameters::read_from_stream   Scanning parameter stream.
start_processes() - spawn returned error code -7.
 ERROR in PVM -- exiting.

I don't see anything on the pvm log.
Why can't it spawn procesess in pvm? Am I doing something wrong? Can I make it 
more verbose to see what is going on?

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