[Coin-lpsolver] Examples using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the LP or MIP model from scratch) with Visual C ++ 6 and Visual Compact Fortran 6.6

John J Forrest jjforre at us.ibm.com
Thu Sep 20 13:03:09 EDT 2007


You managed to post your reply to Coin-lpsolver.

You will find two new examples in Clp/stable1.5/Clp/examples/modify.cpp 
and Cbc/stable1.2/Cbc/src/examples/modify.cpp

They will also go in trunk when I next check in code.

John Forrest

"Jose Luis Ceciliano Meza" <jlcm at iie.org.mx> 
Sent by: coin-lpsolver-bounces at list.coin-or.org
09/20/2007 12:32 PM

<coin-lpsolver at list.coin-or.org>

[Coin-lpsolver] Examples using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the     LP 
or MIP model from scratch) with Visual C ++ 6 and Visual        Compact 
Fortran 6.6

I will post my question. The thing is that I found one example 
(addRows.cpp) where it is shown part of what I was looking for. What I am 
trying now is how to create my own Visual Studio C project, calling CLP. 
Then I will try to do it in Visual Compact Fortran.
Thanks and have a good day.
Kind regards,

De: John J Forrest [mailto:jjforre at us.ibm.com] 
Enviado el: Jueves, 20 de Septiembre de 2007 11:23 a.m.
Para: Jose Luis Ceciliano Meza
CC: Robin Lougee-Heimer
Asunto: RE: Using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the LP or MIP model 
from scratch)


You have not yet posted your question to coin-lpsolver.  Is there any 
reason why not? 

John Forrest 

"Jose Luis Ceciliano Meza" <jlcm at iie.org.mx> 
09/19/2007 11:05 AM 

Robin Lougee-Heimer/Watson/IBM at IBMUS 
John J Forrest/Watson/IBM at IBMUS 
RE: Using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the LP or MIP model from 

Thanks a lot for your help. I will use that list, and wait any response 
from John. 
Kind regards, 

De: Robin Lougee-Heimer [mailto:robinlh at us.ibm.com] 
Enviado el: Miércoles, 19 de Septiembre de 2007 09:59 a.m.
Para: John J Forrest
CC: Jose Luis Ceciliano Meza; info at coin-or.org
Asunto: Fw: Using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the LP or MIP model 
from scratch)


Do you have an example that shows 
"how to form an LP (MIP) problem (not reading it from .mps files), solve 
it with CLP (CBS), see the solution, change the problem and solve it 

The mailing list dedicated to CLP is called the "coin-lpsolver" list. This 
is a great question for the list. Using the list helps us develop the CLP 
community. Here's the list subscription page, if you don't already have it 
-- http://list.coin-or.org/mailman/listinfo/coin-lpsolver 


Robin Lougee-Heimer, PhD
Program Manager, COIN-OR
IBM TJ Watson Research Center
1101 Kitchawan Road, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
ph: 914-945-3032   fax: 914-945-3434 
robinlh at us.ibm.com

----- Forwarded by Robin Lougee-Heimer/Watson/IBM on 09/19/2007 10:36 AM 
"Jose Luis Ceciliano Meza" <jlcm at iie.org.mx> 
09/18/2007 06:07 PM 

<info at coin-or.org> 

Using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the LP or MIP model from scratch)

To Whom It May Concern, 
I really have tried to find an example where it is shown how to form an LP 
(MIP) problem (not reading it from .mps files), solve it with CLP (CBS), 
see the solution, change the problem and solve it again. Unfortunately, I 
have not found such example in your files and I am sure there must be one. 
I do not mind if the example is written in C. If you have any example like 
this, please let me know it. 
Thanks for your attention and help. 
Best regards, 
Jose L. Ceciliano _______________________________________________
Coin-lpsolver mailing list
Coin-lpsolver at list.coin-or.org

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