[Coin-lpsolver] Examples using CLP (CBS) as subroutine (forming the LP or MIP model from scratch) with Visual C ++ 6 and Visual Compact Fortran 6.6

J P Fasano jpfasano at us.ibm.com
Thu Sep 20 13:47:53 EDT 2007

> I will post my question. The thing is that I found one example
> (addRows.cpp) where it is shown part of what I was looking for. What
> I am trying now is how to create my own Visual Studio C project,
> calling CLP. Then I will try to do it in Visual Compact Fortran.

I would suggest trying the following:

1. svn co https://projects.coin-or.org/svn/Clp/releases/1.5.0

2. Open the file coin-Clp-1.5.0\Clp\MSVisualStudio\v6\clp.dsw with MS
Visual Studio V6.

3. Look at the existing projects: ClpExamplesMinimum,
ClpExamplesTestBarrier, ClpExamplesTestQP to see if any of them meet your

4. If none of these exsiting projects meet your needs, then look in the
directory coin-Clp-1.5.0\Clp\examples to see if there is an example close
to what you are looking for.  If you find something, then create a project
in the Visual Studio for this example similar to the existing projects
mentioned in step 3.

You should be aware that some of the examples may require some modification
to compile with the MS Visual Studio V6 compiler.
This compiler is quite old and does support some things that are now part
of the language.


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