[Coin-lpsolver] stable version

magh at lehigh.edu magh at lehigh.edu
Wed Dec 1 10:06:59 EST 2004

> I presume that was slightly rhetorical and intended for discussion.

Yes and No. This is definitely an important topic - I think we do need to move
to formal release management. But I had also forgot that you tagged 1.00.00,
just before Informs. I presume that is currently the "most recent "stable version".

I have had some problems with the current CLP code (that is, with an update in
just the last few days). But, it is embedded in some other code, so it is hard
to isolate (or repeat independently).

> I have been making quite a few changes recently.  One set were because I
> found a mistake in primal steepest edge which was making a large impact on
> performance and this dragged in some other changes.  Also I have been
> trying to make Clp faster when used by Coin branch and cut.  At present
> this is all on switches as it could introduce serious bugs.

> How should we do stable releases?  I can try and tag releases e.g.  if
> nobody complains by end of this week I could tag it as 1.0.1.

Is there a formal validation process in place? I.e., run CLP across netlib and
CBC across miplib with lots of sanity checks? Putting together the validation
process is the hard part. Once it's done, you can run it overnight before
tagging any new releases.


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