[Cbc] Cbc heuristic

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Wed Aug 20 04:20:07 EDT 2008


 > [...]
> Also I have a interger problem that I have a heuristic feasible solution,  how 
> can I set the Cbc so that it start to run based on this feasible solution.

In Cbc 2.1 there is the following method:
   /** User callable setBestSolution.
       If check false does not check valid
       If true then sees if feasible and warns if objective value
       worse than given (so just set to COIN_DBL_MAX if you don't care).
       If check true then does not save solution if not feasible
   void setBestSolution(const double * solution,int numberColumns,
		       double objectiveValue,bool check=false);

This is not in Cbc 2.1.0.


Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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