[ADOL-C] tape as binary string to use at compile time

João Leal joaoruileal at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 17:53:35 EST 2018

Hello Giang Bui,

I believe that does make sence. For instance, CppAD has an extension,
CppADCodegen (which I developed), that does exactly that.
CppADCodegen leads to significantly lower evaluation times (orders of
You can compile the model and its derivative evaluation code as a
static/dynamic library or just use JIT (LLVM).

Best regards,
João Leal

2018-03-05 19:00 GMT+00:00 hg <hgbk2008 at gmail.com>:

> Dear Adol-C developer
> I wonder if we can extract the tape as an ascii string representing a
> binary (e.g. encoded by libz). Then one can use that string to bind to a
> specific function/derivative evaluation. The tape information will then be
> included during compilation. Although one has to generate the tape offline
> but I think it can help to avoid the use of ADOLC_OPENMP for multithreaded
> application. In my case, although I worked locally at the material level
> but I have to modify the code upstream to assert the ADOLC_OPENMP for
> multithreading. That is somewhat manageable, but I assume that when we have
> a correct and stable version of the code, it makes sense to introduce to
> binary at compile time to improve performance, additionally reduce
> maintenance overhead. Please let me know if my idea making any sense.
> Best regards
> Giang Bui
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