[ADOL-C] Again optimization using ipopt

Andrea Walther andrea.walther at uni-paderborn.de
Thu Aug 25 09:46:06 EDT 2011

> The needed files are here: http://codepad.org/UI0xBjUM 
> http://codepad.org/6RirlnjY http://codepad.org/yxwpGmPm

using these file I got the following output from Ipopt:


This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear
 Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License
         For more information visit http://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt

This is Ipopt version 3.9.3, running with linear solver ma27.

Starting derivative checker for first derivatives.

* jac_g [   10,    2] = -7.0883496138621369e+04 v  ~
-6.8156564172855970e+06  [ 9.896e-01]
* jac_g [   11,    2] = -1.1325797422978580e+14 v  ~
-1.7781953788100556e+14  [ 3.631e-01]
* jac_g [   20,   19] =  1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
9.9892704893794593e-01  [ 1.073e-03]
* jac_g [   22,   20] =  1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
1.0014528328256151e+00  [ 1.451e-03]
* jac_g [   22,   21] =  1.0089848894572583e+01 v  ~
1.0090954957040028e+01  [ 1.096e-04]
* jac_g [   24,   21] =  2.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
1.9992654174662303e+00  [ 3.674e-04]
* jac_g [   21,   27] =  1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
1.0045152424801469e+00  [ 4.495e-03]
* jac_g [   21,   28] =  5.0449244472862915e+00 v  ~
5.0488452973638154e+00  [ 7.766e-04]
* jac_g [    6,   35] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-9.9413106066846668e-01  [ 5.869e-03]
* jac_g [   20,   35] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-1.0001928354286402e+00  [ 1.928e-04]
* jac_g [    6,   36] = -8.8481721816691490e+00 v  ~
-8.8455741151450766e+00  [ 2.937e-04]
* jac_g [    7,   36] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-9.9634213934326410e-01  [ 3.658e-03]
* jac_g [   22,   36] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-1.0008985820536753e+00  [ 8.978e-04]
* jac_g [    6,   37] = -7.8290150956463791e+01 v  ~
-7.8277498650931705e+01  [ 1.616e-04]
* jac_g [    7,   37] = -1.7696344363338298e+01 v  ~
-1.7704299125886404e+01  [ 4.493e-04]
* jac_g [   11,   37] =  2.1999575568135035e-03 v  ~
2.3197456925951785e-03  [ 1.198e-04]
* jac_g [   24,   37] = -2.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-1.9996207870170439e+00  [ 1.896e-04]
* jac_g [   11,   39] =  1.0334224950717197e+00 v  ~
1.0336708661232652e+00  [ 2.403e-04]
* jac_g [    8,   43] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-8.8394733632336475e-01  [ 1.161e-01]
* jac_g [   10,   43] = -4.6895295850044880e-03 v  ~
-4.1453015344754150e-03  [ 5.442e-04]
* jac_g [   11,   43] = -7.4929528000541320e+06 v  ~
-6.6233756705982545e+06  [ 1.313e-01]
* jac_g [   21,   43] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-1.0036485381171538e+00  [ 3.635e-03]
* jac_g [    8,   44] = -8.8481721816691490e+00 v  ~
-8.8455957176383428e+00  [ 2.913e-04]
* jac_g [    9,   44] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-9.8931004736744632e-01  [ 1.069e-02]
* jac_g [   11,   44] = -6.6298936528688461e+07 v  ~
-6.6279631423013784e+07  [ 2.913e-04]
* jac_g [   23,   44] = -1.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-1.0038587245346147e+00  [ 3.844e-03]
* jac_g [    8,   45] = -7.8290150956463791e+01 v  ~
-7.8259421567922075e+01  [ 3.927e-04]
* jac_g [    9,   45] = -1.7696344363338298e+01 v  ~
-1.7702630613190362e+01  [ 3.551e-04]
* jac_g [   11,   45] = -5.8662440590700567e+08 v  ~
-5.8639417315164995e+08  [ 3.926e-04]
* jac_g [   10,   46] = -3.2485504883161909e+00 v  ~
-3.2550068522349518e+00  [ 1.984e-03]
* jac_g [   27,   46] = -6.0000000000000000e+00 v  ~
-5.9984927739408924e+00  [ 2.513e-04]
* jac_g [   10,   47] = -2.8743710574496390e+01 v  ~
-2.9326953073826740e+01  [ 1.989e-02]
* jac_g [   10,   48] = -2.5432902321419428e+02 v  ~
-2.8060119938979096e+02  [ 9.363e-02]
* jac_g [   10,   49] = -2.2503439235307897e+03 v  ~
-7.7604348169291270e+03  [ 7.100e-01]
* jac_g [   11,   49] = -3.5956249755456401e+12 v  ~
-3.6005855319234385e+12  [ 1.378e-03]
* jac_g [   10,   50] = -1.9911397963362237e+04 v  ~
-1.8137935407645153e+05  [ 8.902e-01]
* jac_g [   11,   50] = -3.1814708885976988e+13 v  ~
-3.2166061710988578e+13  [ 1.092e-02]

Derivative checker detected 37 error(s).


And the optimization seems to work:



Number of Iterations....: 46

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled)
Objective...............:   1.5000002944838144e+00    1.5000002944838144e+00
Dual infeasibility......:   1.3131589351800095e-06    1.3131589351800095e-06
Constraint violation....:   6.0512193158501759e-06    6.0512193158501759e-06
Complementarity.........:   1.1070224529562539e-07    1.1070224529562539e-07
Overall NLP error.......:   6.0512193158501759e-06    6.0512193158501759e-06

Number of objective function evaluations             = 50
Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 47
Number of equality constraint evaluations            = 50
Number of inequality constraint evaluations          = 50
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations   = 47
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 47
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations             = 0
Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations)   =      0.050
Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations           =      0.007

EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
Lösung der Optimierung:

tf        0.5000      0.5000      0.5000
a 0       0.0000      7.0524     -1.4913
a 1       0.0000     38.1276      3.9746
a 2       0.0000    -50.6196    147.7050
a 3      -0.0000   -879.8557   -602.3558
a 4     121.3494   1860.5780    789.8496
a 5     -54.0932    -89.3045    -34.6974
a 6     699.5690  -1040.0536   -631.4350
a 7   -1250.8540   -283.5472    314.5087
a 8      -0.4000    159.4038    129.5313
a 9       0.0000    291.8155   -383.3504
a10    1369.6381   -592.9467   -330.4081
a11   -1330.3376   -482.1689   1512.4684
a12    -565.1536    525.0474   -256.4353
a13     378.2663    -94.2044   -768.5017
a14     522.5413   -202.8789   -421.0349
a15    -125.0485    771.3141    244.3483


Is this the function value that you expect?
And do you get the same behaviour?

If this is the case then it is a little bit hard to judge the output, since:

Given that the derivatives are checked with finite differences I found
the discrepancies not too bad. I do not know how Ipopt determines the
step size for the finite differences, but it can choose only one for a
whole column of the Jacobian. Therefore some entries might be matched
almost perfectly while others would require a different step size.

Therefore one would interpret the warnings of the derivative check just
as the usual discrepancy between the estimate (!) of the derivatives by
finite differences and the derivative provided by AD.

There might be some systematic error in the rows 10 and 11 but before
going more deeply in the code I would like to get some feedback from you.

Best regards,

Andrea Walther

Prof. Dr. Andrea Walther
Lehrstuhl fuer Mathematik und ihre Anwendungen
Institut fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Paderborn
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Email: andrea.walther at uni-paderborn.de
Phone: ++49 5251 602721
Fax:   ++49 5251 603728


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