[ADOL-C] Again optimization using ipopt
ChristianLupus at gmx.de
Fri Aug 26 06:48:27 EDT 2011
vom Thursday 25 August 2011 15:46:06:
> tf 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000
> a 0 0.0000 7.0524 -1.4913
> a 1 0.0000 38.1276 3.9746
> a 2 0.0000 -50.6196 147.7050
> a 3 -0.0000 -879.8557 -602.3558
> a 4 121.3494 1860.5780 789.8496
> a 5 -54.0932 -89.3045 -34.6974
> a 6 699.5690 -1040.0536 -631.4350
> a 7 -1250.8540 -283.5472 314.5087
> a 8 -0.4000 159.4038 129.5313
> a 9 0.0000 291.8155 -383.3504
> a10 1369.6381 -592.9467 -330.4081
> a11 -1330.3376 -482.1689 1512.4684
> a12 -565.1536 525.0474 -256.4353
> a13 378.2663 -94.2044 -768.5017
> a14 522.5413 -202.8789 -421.0349
> a15 -125.0485 771.3141 244.3483
> Is this the function value that you expect?
> And do you get the same behaviour?
Yes I get the same behaviour.
This function value I do NOT expect.
Thes is an optimization over a piecewise continous polynom. The background is
a optimal control problem. If I use instead of flatness based control (with the
polynoms) any optimal trajectory, I get a overall optimal solution that needs
at least 7sec.
This solutiopn here needs only 1.5sec=0.5+0.5+0.5 (in the first row). Therefore
the Problem cannot be solved correctly in the sense of th OC problem.
The discrepances of the 1st derivative are little. If I turn on the 2nd order
checker, I got relative errors in the range of 1e+3 which is not that good.
What suprised me was that i was basically the same code as in the other
example I posted and you helped me with. Only the content of the virtual
methods have been exchanged by the new equations. Afterwards everything seems
to be broken.
Thanks again for looking at it
Christian Wolf
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