[Testtools] Adding new Cbc branch to nightly builds

Stefan Vigerske stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Mon Nov 9 04:58:05 EST 2009


> Per Ted's request, I have created a new TestTools project, Cbc_reeng. I
> thought this was cleaner than mixing things up with the current Cbc.

I do not see what this is useful for.
The TestTools are already designed to allow testing of different
branches of a project (e.g., trunk, stable/my.favorite, latestRelease,

>  So
> in NBprojectConfig.py you will see the new project Cbc_reeng. I also
> modified NBbuildConfig.py so that Cbc  will be in the svn URL and not
> Cbc_reeng. 

Why is this a clean solution?

> We do a similar thing for CoinAll.

But that had a different reason. Here the problem is that the CoinAll
project is located in the CoinBinary repository.

> Then in my
> NBuserParameters.py I have right now
>    'Cbc_reeng' :
>      [
>        { 'SvnVersion': 'branches/reeng', 'OptLevel': 'Default',
> 'Distribute': 'No',
> 'ThirdParty':'Allowed' , 'AdditionalConfigOptions': '--enable-static
> --disable-shared'}
>        ]

I'll just add
        { 'SvnVersion': 'branches/reeng', 'OptLevel': 'Default',
 'Distribute': 'No', 'ThirdParty':'Allowed', 'AdditionalConfigOptions':
to the other testcases in 'Cbc'. Why should that not work?


Stefan Vigerske
Humboldt University Berlin, Numerical Mathematics

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