[Symphony] Building VRP solver (Windows)

Julian During julianduring at web.de
Sun Apr 28 18:28:01 EDT 2013


I am trying to build the VRP-solver on a Windows system. I am using 
VisualStudio V10 to do that.

I have already build other applications for the Symphony solver with 
VisualStudio without problems.
But for the VRP application the "vrp.vcxproj"-file is missing. Therefore 
if I open the solution file mit VS the vrp  project-file doesn't open 
and i can't produce the vrp.exe. it only produces me some .lib-files.

So can anybody could give me a hint on what i am doing wrong? Or can I 
download the "vrp.vcxproj"-file somewhere?

I am very thankful for any kind of help!


Julian D.

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