[Symphony] SYMPHONY discarding column names

Haroldo Gambini Santos haroldo.santos at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 17:52:52 EST 2012

I'm using SYMPHONY 5.4.3 by calling it from the OsiSymSolverInterface:

    OsiSymSolverInterface *si = new OsiSymSolverInterface();
    si->parseCommandLine(argc, argv);
    sym_environment *env = si->getSymphonyEnvironment();

After loading the problem (in LP file format) I checked the column names 
(si->getColumnName(i)) and they are all replaced by C0000*

Tried to set the parameter
    si->setIntParam(OsiNameDiscipline, 2);
before loading the problem, which is required in OSI to keep names but 
it didn't work.

What else do I need to do to preserve column names after reading an LP ?

In SYMPHONY manual it is stated that :
... /If the data was read in from either an MPS or GMPL/AMPL file, then 
the column names
will be set automatically/ ...

My SYMPHONY installation was compiled including GLPK, Blas and LAPACK - 
the default LP solver is CLP.

Cheers,  Haroldo

Haroldo Gambini Santos
Computing Department - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto - UFOP
email: haroldo [at ] iceb.ufop.br
home/research page: www.decom.ufop.br/haroldo/

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