[Symphony] Error when trying to execute the MATCH Program

Ted Ralphs ted at lehigh.edu
Thu Oct 14 22:34:21 EDT 2010

Can you say more about exactly what you did to build SYMPHONY? Please
include the version number, how you obtained the source (tarball or
SVN), platform you are building on, and the exact sequence of
commands, including what directories they were executed in. Without
knowing all of that information, it's difficult to know what happened.
Generally speaking, variables like @OBJEXT@ should be substituted with
values during the configuration process, so that the Makefile contains
a platform-specific value there. In this case, the value is supposed
to resolve to the extension for object files, which should be ".o" on
a Mac. If you can provide more information, we'll try to debug it. If
it's a true bug, we'll probably ask you to file a bug report in the
tracking system. Thanks!



On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Kaarthik Sundar <kaarthiksundar at tamu.edu> wrote:
> Hi
> I wanted to use SYMPHONY to build an application. So I installed Coin
> Symphony and tried running the Matching Solver Program that is already there
> in the Applications Folder. I did the following and the error popped up and
> I am not able to understand what the error is. It would be great if I can
> get some help with this.
> Kaarthik Sundar
> kaarthik-sundars-macbook:MATCH kaarthiksundar$ pwd
> /Users/kaarthiksundar/COIN-SYMPHONY/SYMPHONY/Applications/MATCH
> kaarthik-sundars-macbook:MATCH kaarthiksundar$ Make
> Make: *** No rule to make target `src/user_main. at OBJEXT@', needed by
> `match at EXEEXT@'.  Stop.
> kaarthik-sundars-macbook:MATCH kaarthiksundar$
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Dr. Ted Ralphs
Associate Professor, Lehigh University
(610) 628-1280
ted 'at' lehigh 'dot' edu

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