[Symphony] Linking problems..

Antonello Lobianco a.lobianco at univpm.it
Wed Jul 8 06:03:34 EDT 2009

Hello all.. I'm new to Symphony and to the list.

I have an application (an agent-based model) that currently use glpk
as MIP solver, and I am investigating Symphony due to its reentrant

I'm using Debian Linux and had no problem downloading, configuring,
making and installing Symphony.
However, when I try to compile my application the linked gives me the
following message:

/usr/lib/libSym.so: undefined reference to
(and many more similar)

I'm using Qt/KDevelop and in the qt project file I added LIBS += -lSym
and INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/coin (I configured Symphony with

Any idea where I am wrong ?

Many thanks..
 Antonello Lobianco

Department of Economics
Università Politecnica delle Marche

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