[Symphony] LP solver (Clp) won't stop after TM_time_limit & 2 newbie questions

lebodicp at insa-rouen.fr lebodicp at insa-rouen.fr
Mon Jan 26 06:59:24 EST 2009


Thank you for your answer, Ashutosh. Sorry I didn't answer earlier.

>> -I've tried using column generation, but couldn't get it right (for my
>> problem, variables are known from the start as required in SYMPHONY). I
>> followed the manual instructions but obviously I'm doing something
>> wrong.
>> I can't find an example that uses column generation. Is there something
>> of
>> that kind available?
> column generation hasnt been tested in a while. so i am not sure if its a
> problem in symphony or with how you call it. more information about where
> it
> seems broken may help. is it not compiling? or crashing? or giving
> unexpected
> output?

Symptoms were an unexpected output, but for the moment I have given up on
using column generation. The error was probably on my side.

>> -I didn't realize using sym environment rather than osi would prevent me
>> from using Cgl cuts. Now that the code is written, what would be the
>> easiest way to get Cgl cuts to work? Would it be possible to (1)export
>> to
>> mps (2)read the mps file with another program that uses osi? What would
>> be
>> the best way?
> This behaviour is unexpected.  what version of symphony are you using and
> on
> which platform? you can increase the verbosity level by using '-v 10' and
> see if
> cuts are actually generated. did you also modify
> user_generate_cuts_in_lp()
> function? if so, can you post it as well?

I didn't modify user_generate_cuts_in_lp().
I have updated SYMPHONY to 5.1.10, it does now generate cgl cuts. Maybe it
did before, though for a given problem, the separation time indicated a
few ms, and now it is over a second. Still, the manual indicates that "to
use CGL cuts, OSI interface has to be used", but I don't use OSI. Anyhow,
I'm glad it works now.

I have questions, however, on how the cgl flags work in the parameter file.
-Does setting generate_cgl_cuts to 1 set every generate_cgl_*_cuts to 1,
or does it just make them default?
-From what I've seen, SYMPHONY still uses, say, foo cuts, when setting
generate_cgl_cuts to 1 and generate_cgl_foo_cuts to 0. If
generate_cgl_cuts is set to 0 and generate_cgl_foo_cuts is set to 1, no
cuts are generated. Is this a desired behavior? How can I fine-tune cgl
-For my application, only probing and MIR cuts are generated. Setting
generate_cgl_cuts to 1 produces:
Now displaying the relaxed solution ...
Receiving/creating cuts...
16 probing cuts added
75 2-MIR cuts added
generate_cgl_cuts: Number of Coefficients = 2	Max = 1.000000, Min = 1.000000
generate_cgl_cuts: Number of Coefficients = 2	Max = 1.000000, Min = 1.000000

In the parameter file, additionaly setting
generate_cgl_lift_and_project_cuts to 0 or 1 now produces:
Now displaying the relaxed solution ...
Receiving/creating cuts...
16 probing cuts added
75 2-MIR cuts added
Clp6003E Matrix has 172 large values, first at column 25, row 6886 is
Clp3003W Analysis indicates model infeasible or unbounded
Clp6003E Matrix has 172 large values, first at column 25, row 6886 is
Clp0004I Stopped due to errors - objective value 0
Clp0032I Errors objective 0 - 0 iterations time 0.012

The separation time is then remarkably higher. Should I submit this as a
bug of cgl or is this SYMPHONY related?

Thanks for your time.


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