[Symphony] Some user manual errors

Carlos Martínez carlosm.upm at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 04:26:28 EST 2009

Dear all,

I found some mistakes in SYMPHONY's user manual (5.1.10), please find them

- "sym create permanent cut pools" (page 81), the returned value differs
from the parameter. I think the returned value does not really mean the
of created cut pools. If so, what would be the point of returning the same

- In the example in page 29 (figure 3.3) "sym_get_warm_start" is used in an
manner, this code will result in an error because the syntax has changed:

      warm_start_desc *sym_get_warm_start(sym_environment *env, int
copy_warm_start, warm_start_desc **ws)

- In the same example "sym_set_warm_start" is also used in a mistaken way,
it should read "sym_set_warm_start(env, ws)".

- I would also recommend to include the following lines to the examples 3.2
& 3.3:

      sym_delete_warm_start(ws); (only 3.3)
      sym_close_environment(env); (both)

Best regards,

PD: please copy me if there were any comments, thanks!
    carlosm.upm at gmail.com
Carlos Martinez Belinchon
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