[Osi] Bug with the problem name in the OsiGlPk
Stefan Vigerske
stefan at math.hu-berlin.de
Tue Nov 20 05:38:08 EST 2012
I've committed your patch to trunk, will be in the next release, too.
On 10/31/2012 04:32 PM, Bertrand Le Cun wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried to register and login to the Osi trac system but it makes
> an error.
> I would like to write a ticket.
> Anyway I have detect a bug in the OsiGlpk. This bug is due to a strange
> Glpk behaviour.
> I have a code where I read an LP file where the problem name is empty.
> And when you try to set the problem name with setStrParam with an empty
> name (i.e. ""), glpk delete the memory for its internal string and does
> not create a new one. Then many operations after like copy of the
> OsiGlpkSolverInterface object fail.
> I correct the bug by using the following code for the setStrParam method
> I am agree the problem comes from Glpk and not really from Osi.
> But this a way to have a correct code...
> Best regards,
> Bertrand Le Cun.
> -----
> bool OGSI::setStrParam (OsiStrParam key,
> const std::string &value)
> { bool retval = false ;
> switch (key)
> { case OsiProbName:
> { probName_ = value ;
> if ( probName_.length()==0 ) probName_="Pb";
> lpx_set_prob_name(lp_,const_cast<char *>(probName_.c_str())) ;
> retval = true ;
> break ; }
> case OsiSolverName:
> { retval = true ;
> break ; }
> case OsiLastStrParam:
> { break ; } }
> return (retval) ; }
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