[Osi] OsiCpx setRowPrice bug?

Matthew Galati magh at lehigh.edu
Thu Aug 13 17:30:47 EDT 2009

The term setRowPrice makes me think of duals.

However, in OsiCpx, it sends the "rowSol" into argument 6. According to the
manual, that should be the row solution, i.e., activities (not the dual
solution). I think you want to use the 8th argument.

Note - I need a setRowSol method too - which does what is currently done in
setRowPrice. But, this seems like a bad name or a bug as currently

 int err = CPXcopystart( env_, getMutableLpPtr(), NULL, NULL,
                  const_cast<double*>( colsol_ ),
                  const_cast<double*>( rowsol_ ),
                  NULL, NULL );

int CPXPUBLIC CPXcopystart(CPXCENVptr env, CPXLPptr lp, const int * cstat,
const int * rstat, const double * cprim, const double * rprim, const double
* cdual, const double * rdual)

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