The term setRowPrice makes me think of duals.<br><br>However, in OsiCpx, it sends the "rowSol" into argument 6. According to the manual, that should be the row solution, i.e., activities (not the dual solution). I think you want to use the 8th argument.<br>
<br>Note - I need a setRowSol method too - which does what is currently done in setRowPrice. But, this seems like a bad name or a bug as currently implemented.<br><br> int err = CPXcopystart( env_, getMutableLpPtr(), NULL, NULL, <br>
const_cast<double*>( colsol_ ), <br> const_cast<double*>( rowsol_ ), <br> NULL, NULL );<br><br><br>int CPXPUBLIC <span class="function-name">CPXcopystart</span>(CPXCENVptr <span class="parameter-name">env</span>, CPXLPptr <span class="parameter-name">lp</span>, const int * <span class="parameter-name">cstat</span>, const int * <span class="parameter-name">rstat</span>, const double * <span class="parameter-name">cprim</span>, const double * <span class="parameter-name">rprim</span>, const double * <span class="parameter-name">cdual</span>, const double * <span class="parameter-name">rdual</span>)<br>
<br><table class="code"><tbody><tr><td><b><span class="code-type"><br></span></b></td></tr><tr><th id="L1916"><br></th><td><br></td></tr><tr><th id="L1917"><br></th><td><br></td></tr><tr><th id="L1918"><br></th><td><br></td>