[Coin-osi-devel] Compiling OSI with CPLEX using MingGW
Ted Ralphs
tkralphs at lehigh.edu
Wed Aug 9 10:24:58 EDT 2006
I'm not sure what you're doing is possible (trying to use g++ to link
with a Windows static library), but in any case, you need two options
with --with-cplex-lib. It should be something like
--with-cplex-lib='-L/c/ILOG/Cplex90/lib/msvc7/ -lcplex90'
except that this probably won't work as is because you probably need to
link with a library built with g++ in Windows, which I doubt CPLEX
provides. Your only option may be compiling in MSVC++. Feel free to post
more info as you make attempts to get it to work.
Hua Ni wrote:
> I am having trouble to compile CPLEX with Osi. The
> following is the configure command issued.
> ./configure
> --with-cplex-lib="-L/c/ILOG/Cplex90/lib/msvc7/stat_sta
> cplex90.li
> b" --with-cplex-incdir=/c/ILOG/Cplex90/include/ilcplex
> But I got the following error message:
> configure: Applying patches to libtool for GNU
> compiler
> checking for COIN project Cbc... ../Cbc
> checking for COIN project Cgl... ../Cgl
> checking for COIN project Clp... ../Clp
> checking for COIN project CoinUtils... ../CoinUtils
> checking for COIN project DyLP... unavailable
> checking for COIN project Osi... .
> checking for COIN project Sym... unavailable
> checking for COIN project Vol... ../Vol
> checking if user provides library for Cplex... yes
> checking for
> /c/ILOG/Cplex90/include/ilcplex/cplex.h... yes
> checking whether symbol CPXgetstat is available with
> CPX... no
> configure: error: Cannot find symbol CPXgetstat with
> configure: error: /bin/sh './configure' failed for Osi
> Please help.
> Thanks,
> Hua
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Dr. Ted Ralphs
Associate Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Lehigh University
tkralphs at lehigh.edu
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