[Os-project-managers] Meeting on September 29

R. Kipp Martin kmartin at chicagobooth.edu
Wed Sep 28 17:24:17 EDT 2011

Hi Guys:

A lot to talk about:

I.  OSJava Server

Mike Steglich is having considerable difficulty with our OSJava server. 
I have spent a lot of time helping him and so far not successful. He is 
an important customer and I do not want to alienate him. Among other things:

1) Based on Mike's email I think somehow the OSoL parser in Java and C++ 
got out of sync. With each release of the C++ code, should we also do a 
release of the OSJava server project that we know is compatible? We 
could simply do an svn copy from the branches directory into the 
releases directory. I could check with Ted and Stefan to see if this is 

2) Following the steps in INSTALL.txt is cumbersome. Should we make an 
eclipse OSJava project that makes much of INSTALL.txt unnecessary? 
Ideally, all the user would have to do is i) run the get-third-party 
script, ii) add his Tomcat Server to the Eclipse project, and iii) 
export the WAR file.

3) Current version of OSJava on svn is broken. We need to fix.

4) What is the naming convention for OSSolverService that goes into


I am having trouble with this. It seems like sometimes OSSolverService 
works and sometimes it does not. If the wrong name is given, the correct 
name should be given in the error message.

  II -- Gus' trials and tribulations with memory leaks, segfaults, and 
wrong objective function values with OSCouenne solver.

Gus  -- do you want to add anything here?


Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
and Computing Technology
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
kmartin at chicagobooth.edu

Sent without Blackberry, Droid, iPhone, or any other
wireless device.

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