[Os-project-managers] optional doubles with no default values

Jun Ma majxuh at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 5 00:36:11 EST 2011

> <initialVariableValues numberOfVar="1">
>     <var idx="1" value="NaN">
> </initialVariableValues>

For me means that all other initial variable values are not specified, as 
the schema doesn't specify a default, except for var[1], which is equal to 
That being said, in the implementation, we can use NaN for "not specified", 
because in practice it makes no different, although, per last email, you can 
in theory argue  NaN is different from no value.
Again no value is usually best matched with null in an implementing 
language. But for primitive types like double, where null is not technically 
feasible in Java, NaN is ok in my opinion as a synonym for no value.


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