[Os-project-managers] [Fwd: OSoL, OSrL, change sets 2819 and 3013]

Kipp Martin kmartin at chicagobooth.edu
Sun Nov 21 13:46:26 EST 2010

Hi Guys:

I have forwarded to our list manager. Let's discuss there so we have a 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: OSoL, OSrL, change sets 2819 and 3013
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 11:44:22 -0400
From: Horand Gassmann <Horand.Gassmann at dal.ca>
To: Kipp Martin <kmartin at chicagobooth.edu>,        hotmail - majxuh 
<majxuh at hotmail.com>
References: <4CE39BFD.4060609 at chicagobooth.edu>

Hi guys,

please don't look at this as merely a revisionist plot...

I am working on the OSoL parsers, pretty much rewriting it, because
there were so many things I need to fix: I was not using set()
methods, the basis representation needs to change, we added <item> to
<otherVariableOption>, etc.

The point of departure is the OSrL parser, and I (re?)discovered an
important discrepancy between OSrL and OSoL. In OSrL we require the
numberOfVariables, numberOfObjectives and numberOfConstraints
attributes (but we allow them to be set to -1), while in OSoL they are

So I did some digging. In revision 2819 we made them required in /both
OSoL and OSrL/, and in revision 3013, we dropped back to making them
optional in OSoL --- but not in OSrL. This is clearly inconsistent,
and I can't exactly reconstruct the reasons for a) making the change
in 2819 b) reversing it in 3013, and c) not doing it in OSrL as well.

Any ideas?

For the record, my vote would be to make the attributes optional in
OSrL also, since we require numberOf... in every IntVector that might
have anything to do with the solution, and since "-1" strikes me as a
little odd as a value for numberOf...



Kipp Martin
Professor of Operations Research
and Computing Technology
Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
kmartin at chicagobooth.edu

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