[Ipopt] Derivative checker seems to be incorrect (Ross Miller)

Edson Cordeiro do Valle edsoncv at enq.ufrgs.br
Thu Mar 17 09:53:34 EDT 2016

This may be a case where you have misplaced the nonzero position in the 
sparse Jacobian structure.
Can you remove all the other equations and use only the "suspect" 
equation and make an individual derivative check in this equation.
Until now, all the cases where the derivative checker reports an error 
it was my fault.
Unless a modification in the Ipopt code introduced some bug in the 
derivative checker, which, in my opinion is unlikely to happen.

Em 16-03-2016 13:00, ipopt-request at coin-or.org escreveu:
>   Re: Derivative checker seems to be incorrect (Ross Miller)

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