[Ipopt] Setting up MATLAB interface in Linux 64 bit

Gianpaolo Gulletta gianpaologulletta at gmail.com
Tue Feb 17 16:26:23 EST 2015

Hello everybody,

I am having issues in compiling the source files in the 
$IPOPTDIR/Ipopt/contrib/MatlabInterface/src folder.

Here the Makefile:

    # Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Peter Carbonetto. All Rights Reserved.
    # This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
    # Author: Peter Carbonetto
    #         Dept. of Computer Science
    #         University of British Columbia
    #         May 19, 2007

    # INSTRUCTIONS: Please modify the following few variables. See the
    # Ipopt documentation (Ipopt/doc/documentation.pdf) for more details.

    # This variable corresponds to the base directory of your MATLAB
    # installation. This is the directory so that in its 'bin/'
    # subdirectory you see all the matlab executables (such as 'matlab',
    # 'mex', etc.)
    MATLAB_HOME = /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012b

    # Set the suffix for matlab mex files. The contents of the
    # $(MATLAB_HOME)/extern/examples/mex directory might be able to help
    # you in your choice.
    MEXSUFFIX   = mexa64

    # This is the command used to call the mex program. Usually, it is
    # just "mex". But it also may be something like
    # /user/local/R2006b/bin/mex if "mex" doesn't work.
    MEX = $(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/mex
    #MEX = "$(MATLAB_HOME)/sys/perl/win32/bin/perl" "`$(CYGPATH_W)

    # Do not modify anything below unless you know what you're doing.
    exec_prefix = ${prefix}
    prefix      = /home/gianpaolo/Ipopt/install
    libdir      = ${exec_prefix}/lib

    CXX         = g++
    CXXFLAGS    = -O3 -pipe -DNDEBUG -pedantic-errors -Wparentheses
    -Wreturn-type -Wcast-qual -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings
    -Wconversion -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-long-long   -DIPOPT_BUILD
    LDFLAGS     = $(CXXFLAGS)  -Wl,--rpath
    -Wl,/home/gianpaolo/Ipopt/install/lib  #-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++

    # Include directories (we use the CYGPATH_W variables to allow
    compilation with Windows compilers)
    INCL =
    pkg-config --cflags ipopt`
    #INCL = -I`$(CYGPATH_W) /home/gianpaolo/Ipopt/install/include/coin`

    # Linker flags
    LIBS =
    pkg-config --libs ipopt | sed -e 's/-framework vecLib//g'`
    ##LIBS = -link -libpath:`$(CYGPATH_W)
    /home/gianpaolo/Ipopt/install/lib` libipopt.lib -lm  -ldl
    #LIBS = -L/home/gianpaolo/Ipopt/install/lib -lipopt `echo -lm -ldl |
    sed -e 's/-framework vecLib//g'`
    #LIBS_STATIC = $$(echo " $(LIBS) " | sed -e "s| -lgfortran |
    `gfortran -print-file-name=libgfortran.a` |g" -e "s| -lquadmath |
    `gfortran -print-file-name=libquadmath.a` |g")
    ##LIBS_STATIC = $$(echo " $(LIBS) " | sed -e 's|
    -Wl,-Bdynamic,-lmwma57,-Bstatic | -lmwma57 |g')
    # mex doesn't understand -Wl,-Bdynamic,-lmwma57,-Bstatic on Windows

    # The following is necessary under cygwin, if native compilers are used
    CYGPATH_W = echo

    MEXFLAGCXX = -cxx
    MEXFLAGS    = -v $(MEXFLAGCXX) -O CC="$(CXX)" CXX="$(CXX)"
    LD="$(CXX)"       \

    TARGET = ipopt.$(MEXSUFFIX)
    OBJS   = matlabexception.o      \
              matlabfunctionhandle.o \
              matlabjournal.o        \
              iterate.o              \
              ipoptoptions.o         \
              options.o              \
              sparsematrix.o         \
              callbackfunctions.o    \
              matlabinfo.o           \
              matlabprogram.o        \

    SRCDIR = .

    all: $(TARGET)

    install: $(TARGET)
         if test -d $(libdir); then : ; else mkdir $(libdir); fi
         cp $(SRCDIR)/../ipopt.m $(SRCDIR)/../ipopt_auxdata.m $(TARGET)

         rm -f $(libdir)/ipopt.m $(libdir)/ipopt_auxdata.m

    $(TARGET): $(OBJS)
         make mexopts
         $(MEX) $(MEXFLAGS) $(LIBS_STATIC) -output $@ $^

    %.o: %.cpp
         ../../../../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile \
         $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCL) -I"$(MATLAB_HOME)/extern/include" \
             -o $@ -c $^

         rm -f $(OBJS) *.lo $(TARGET)

    distclean: clean


    # make mexopts applies a set of fixes to mexopts.sh on Mac,
    # or mexopts.bat on Windows (if that file was generated
    # by Gnumex to use gcc via Cygwin or MinGW)
         case `uname` in \
           Darwin*) \
             if ! test -e mexopts.sh; then \
               sed -e 's/-arch $$ARCHS//g' \
                 $(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/mexopts.sh > mexopts.sh; \
               SDKROOT=`grep -m1 'SDKROOT=' mexopts.sh | sed -e
    's/SDKROOT=//g'`; \
               if ! test -d $$SDKROOT; then \
                 sed -e 's/-arch $$ARCHS//g' \
                   -e 's/-isysroot $$SDKROOT//g' \
                   -e 's/-Wl,-syslibroot,$$SDKROOT//g' \
                   $(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/mexopts.sh > mexopts.sh; \
               fi; \
             fi \
             ;; \
           MINGW*) \
             if ! test -e mexopts.bat; then \
               echo Warning: no mexopts.bat found. You will probably
    need to run Gnumex to generate this file. Call \"make gnumex\" then
    try again.; \
             else \
               libdirwin=$$(cd $(libdir); cmd /c 'for %i in (.) do @echo
    %~fi' | sed 's|\\|/|g'); \
               mingwlibdirwin=$$(cd /mingw/lib; cmd /c 'for %i in (.) do
    @echo %~fi' | sed 's|\\|/|g'); \
               GM_ADD_LIBS=$$(echo "-llibmx -llibmex -llibmat $(LIBS) " | \
                 sed -e "s| -L$(libdir) | -L$$libdirwin |g" \
                 -e "s| -L/mingw/lib | -L$$mingwlibdirwin |g"); \
               $(GM_ADD_LIBS_STATIC) \
               cp mexopts.bat mexopts.bat.orig; \
               sed -e 's|COMPILER=gcc|COMPILER=g++|' -e
    's|GM_MEXLANG=c$$|GM_MEXLANG=cxx|' \
                 -e "s|GM_ADD_LIBS=-llibmx -llibmex
    -llibmat$$|GM_ADD_LIBS=$$GM_ADD_LIBS|" \
                 mexopts.bat.orig > mexopts.bat; \
             fi \
             ;; \
           CYGWIN*) \
             if ! test -e mexopts.bat; then \
               echo Warning: no mexopts.bat found. You will probably
    need to run Gnumex to generate this file. Call \"make gnumex\" then
    try again.; \
             else \
               libdirwin=`cygpath -m $(libdir)`; \
               cyglibdirwin=`cygpath -m /usr/lib`; \
               GM_ADD_LIBS=$$(echo "-llibmx -llibmex -llibmat $(LIBS) " | \
                 sed -e "s| -L$(libdir) | -L$$libdirwin |g" \
                 -e "s| -L/usr/lib/| -L$$cyglibdirwin/|g"); \
               $(GM_ADD_LIBS_STATIC) \
               cp mexopts.bat mexopts.bat.orig; \
               sed -e 's|COMPILER=gcc|COMPILER=g++|' -e
    's|GM_MEXLANG=c$$|GM_MEXLANG=cxx|' \
                 -e "s|GM_ADD_LIBS=-llibmx -llibmex
    -llibmat$$|GM_ADD_LIBS=$$GM_ADD_LIBS|" \
                 mexopts.bat.orig > mexopts.bat; \
             fi \
             ;; \

    # make gnumex opens a Matlab session and calls the Gnumex tool to
    # generate mexopts.bat set up for using gcc via Cygwin or MinGW
         if ! test -d "$(SRCDIR)/../gnumex"; then \
           echo "Warning: no gnumex folder found. Run \"cd `dirname
    $(SRCDIR)`; ./get.Gnumex\" first."; \
         else \
           GM_COMMANDS="oldpwd=pwd; cd $(SRCDIR)/../gnumex;
    gnumex('startup'); \
             gnumexopts=gnumex('defaults'); gnumexopts.precompath=[pwd
    '\libdef']; \
             gnumexopts.optfile=[oldpwd '\mexopts.bat'];"; \
           case `uname` in \
             MINGW*) \
               echo Use gnumex in Matlab to create mexopts.bat file,
    then close this new instance of Matlab.; \
               "$(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/matlab" -wait -r "$$GM_COMMANDS \
    gnumex('struct2fig',gnumexopts)" \
               ;; \
             CYGWIN*) \
               echo Use gnumex in Matlab to create mexopts.bat file,
    then close this new instance of Matlab.; \
               "$(MATLAB_HOME)/bin/matlab" -wait -r "$$GM_COMMANDS
    gnumexopts.environ=3; gnumex('struct2fig',gnumexopts)" \
               ;; \
           esac \

Here the problem:


    Warning: You are using gcc version "4.8.2-19ubuntu1)".  The version
              currently supported with MEX is "4.4.6".
              For a list of currently supported compilers see:

    *mex:  matlabexception.o  not a normal file or does not exist.*

    make: *** [ipopt.mexa64] Error 1

I have just followed the guide at the link: 
http://www.coin-or.org/Ipopt/documentation/node18.html and all the 
previous steps were successful.

Can you help me?

Thank you,

Gianpaolo Gulletta
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