[Ipopt] JuMP 0.5 released with support for algebraic modeling using Ipopt

Miles Lubin miles.lubin at gmail.com
Sat May 3 22:15:16 EDT 2014

Hi all,

I would like to announce the release of JuMP 0.5, an open-source algebraic
modeling language in Julia, now with support for algebraic modeling of
nonlinear problems using Ipopt with a familiar scalar-based syntax similar
to AMPL and GAMS. JuMP can efficiently compute sparse Jacobians and
Hessians for large-scale problems using reverse-mode automatic
differentiation coupled with Julia's powerful just-in-time compilation
abilities to generate and compile specialized matrix generators at runtime,
all in memory.

For example code, see the documentation:

Julia's package manager takes care of installing Ipopt, so that Windows and
OS X users just need to run:


to automatically obtain the latest binaries (using MUMPS). On Linux, it
will be compiled instead.
We're hoping that this easy-to-use distribution will lower the barrier to
entry for new users to try out Ipopt. Special thanks to Tony Kelman who has
helped out with testing.

The JuMP Team
Miles Lubin, Iain Dunning, and Joey Huchette
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