[Ipopt] Matlab Interface

Tony Kelman kelman at berkeley.edu
Thu Dec 4 06:48:40 EST 2014


As I understand it, the precompiled mex files that are available to download 
should work with the newest versions of Matlab. A few colleagues in my lab 
and elsewhere (Anil Rao on this list a few days ago) have reported 
occasional crashes, especially on Mac OSX, which I'm not quite sure exactly 
how to debug since I haven't gotten a reproducible test case yet. If you 
encounter any problems with the precompiled mex files you can try modifying 
the linear solver option or other workarounds.

The version restriction only applies if you need to compile the Matlab 
interface yourself. Mathworks completely changed the format of 
mexopts.bat/sh with R2014a, and since I personally don't use Matlab much any 
more (I don't have R2014a or newer installed and was not planning to do so) 
I haven't done the work to update the build system in the Ipopt Matlab 
interface to account for that change. If anyone else is familiar with the 
new mexopts system and would like to try making things work I'll happily 
review any suggested patches and make sure things still work with older 
Matlab versions.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Pascal F. Heiter
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 3:32 AM
To: Ipopt at list.coin-or.org
Subject: [Ipopt] Matlab Interface

Dear IPOPT community,

I've planned to use IPOPT within my numerical optimization class by
using the Matlab interface. But I struggle with the version restriction
(e.g. R2014a). I've a question:

     * Does anyone work on a Matlab interface working with versions
newer than R2014a?

Best regards,
Pasal Heiter

M.Sc. Pascal F. Heiter

Ulm University
Department of Numerical Mathematics
Helmholtzstraße 20, Room 1.04
89081 Ulm
Phone: +49 (0)731/50-23937
E-Mail: pascal.heiter at uni-ulm.de

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