[Ipopt] Matlab Interface

Pascal F. Heiter pascal.heiter at uni-ulm.de
Thu Dec 4 06:32:04 EST 2014

Dear IPOPT community,

I've planned to use IPOPT within my numerical optimization class by 
using the Matlab interface. But I struggle with the version restriction 
(e.g. R2014a). I've a question:

     * Does anyone work on a Matlab interface working with versions 
newer than R2014a?

Best regards,
Pasal Heiter

M.Sc. Pascal F. Heiter

Ulm University
Department of Numerical Mathematics
Helmholtzstraße 20, Room 1.04
89081 Ulm
Phone: +49 (0)731/50-23937
E-Mail: pascal.heiter at uni-ulm.de

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