[Ipopt] Memory limitations in Matlab-interface IPOPT when using MA27

Thomas Vacek vacek008 at umn.edu
Thu Aug 16 09:52:49 EDT 2012

I wouldn't rule out a bug related to integer width.  I would set up the 
Matlab mex debugger and run in that.  That will allow you to see the 
size of the malloc call that is failing and decide if it is reasonable.  
Is there a verbosity level that prints the size of a failed memory 
allocation?  Maybe there should be.

On 08/16/2012 02:39 AM, Lemoine, Roberto wrote:
> Dear IPOPT developers/users:
> I have a question. I am using the Matlab-interfaced version of IPOPT v.3.10.0 (run with Matlab R2011b in a computer with Windows 7), successfully compiled as described in the Interface website:
> bandersnatch.dyndns.info/~djr/ipopt_compile_steps.pdf
> My optimization problem is relatively small (1000 degrees of freedom or less). However, IPOPT solves the problem successfully only if I use the linear solver MA57 (I have METIS also installed). However, when I use MA27, IPOPT fails to start iterating, and shows the failure message:
> EXIT: Not enough memory
> This does not happen with MA57 (even MUMPS makes it to start iterating, but fails after some iterations due to problems in the restoration phase). I have played around by increasing the parameters ma27_liw_init_factor, ma27_la_init_factor and ma27_meminc_factor, and the problem remains.
> Does anybody have an idea why MA27 could be having this problems, while MA57 not? Is there a difference in the memory management of the solvers? Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best regards,
> Roberto Lemoine-Nava
> Lehrstuhl für Systemdynamik und Prozessführung
> Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen
> Technische Universität Dortmund
> Emil-Figge-Str. 70
> 44221 Dortmund
> Tel.: +49 (0) 231/755-5171
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