[Ipopt] EXIT: Restoration Failed!
Stefano Avallone
stavallo at unina.it
Mon Feb 7 13:46:27 EST 2011
Hello all,
I am trying to solve a convex optimization problem (nonlinear convex objective
function, linear constraints), but I get a "restoration failed" on exit.
Please find below an excerpt of the output with the highest print level. I
would really appreciate it if you could give me any insight how to solve the
Best regards and many thanks in advance,
This is Ipopt version 3.9trunk, running with linear solver ma27.
Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...: 40
Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.: 20
Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............: 210
Total number of variables............................: 20
variables with only lower bounds: 0
variables with lower and upper bounds: 20
variables with only upper bounds: 0
Total number of equality constraints.................: 14
Total number of inequality constraints...............: 20
inequality constraints with only lower bounds: 0
inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds: 20
inequality constraints with only upper bounds: 0
*** Finding Acceptable Trial Point for Iteration 48:
--> Starting line search in iteration 48 <--
Acceptable Check:
overall_error = 6.2432661230067832e-01 acceptable_tol_ =
dual_inf = 6.2432661230067832e-01 acceptable_dual_inf_tol_ =
constr_viol = 4.4295999887965323e-11 acceptable_constr_viol_tol_ =
compl_inf = 9.2240643020082419e-07 acceptable_compl_inf_tol_ =
curr_obj_val_ = 9.1052327487239893e+02 last_obj_val =
fabs(curr_obj_val_-last_obj_val_)/Max(1., fabs(curr_obj_val_)) =
6.5046187439939525e-11 acceptable_obj_change_tol_ = 1.0000000000000000e+20
test iter = 48
The current filter has 8 entries.
phi theta iter
1 9.1052354071339846e+02 3.0670202228995563e-10 29
2 9.1052354072776302e+02 2.1724936776828671e-15 39
3 9.1052354084525871e+02 8.8596425344253528e-16 41
4 9.1052354084525996e+02 8.8596398874738628e-16 42
5 9.1052354108485770e+02 6.5761296596426808e-16 43
6 9.1052354083602870e+02 2.0631604761870023e-15 44
7 9.1052354084260230e+02 1.9546522963837980e-15 45
8 9.1052354084260378e+02 1.9546519952930661e-15 46
Relative step size for delta_x = 9.894576e-09
Trying soft restoration phase step with step length 1.000000e+00
Checking acceptability for trial step size alpha_primal_test= 0.000000e+00:
New values of barrier function = 9.1052354091528207e+02 (reference
New values of constraint violation = 2.0036811308125425e-10 (reference
Checking sufficient reduction...
Primal-dual error at current point: 5.0020802340580574e-02
Primal-dual error at trial point : 2.7778642326579883e-01
Trial step rejected.
Acceptable Check:
overall_error = 6.2432661230067832e-01 acceptable_tol_ =
dual_inf = 6.2432661230067832e-01 acceptable_dual_inf_tol_ =
constr_viol = 4.4295999887965323e-11 acceptable_constr_viol_tol_ =
compl_inf = 9.2240643020082419e-07 acceptable_compl_inf_tol_ =
curr_obj_val_ = 9.1052327487239893e+02 last_obj_val =
fabs(curr_obj_val_-last_obj_val_)/Max(1., fabs(curr_obj_val_)) =
6.5046187439939525e-11 acceptable_obj_change_tol_ = 1.0000000000000000e+20
test iter = 48
Restoration phase is called at point that is almost feasible,
with constraint violation 1.817318e-10. Abort.
Exception of type: RESTORATION_FAILED in file
"../../../../Ipopt/src/Algorithm/IpBacktrackingLineSearch.cpp" at line 562:
Exception message: Restoration phase called, but point is almost feasible.
Number of Iterations....: 48
(scaled) (unscaled)
Objective...............: 9.1052327487239893e+02 9.1052327487239893e+02
Dual infeasibility......: 6.2432661230067832e-01 6.2432661230067832e-01
Constraint violation....: 4.4295999887965323e-11 4.4295999887965323e-11
Complementarity.........: 9.2240643020082419e-07 9.2240643020082419e-07
Overall NLP error.......: 6.2432661230067832e-01 6.2432661230067832e-01
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