[Ipopt] IPOPT: EXIT: Not enough memory

Tom Vacek vacek008 at umn.edu
Sun Apr 3 00:17:11 EDT 2011

Follow up:
Here's what I see with GDB:

     wd_info_[8] = 2147295357  (This doesn't seem right to me.)
     ma57_pre_alloc_ = 1.05

     wd_lfact_ = -2147483648     (Overflow!)

At 565, this the new object is allocated and wd_lfact_ is apparently 
interpreted as unsigned, and this results in an allocation request of 
size 18446744056529682432.  It is time to compile using


On 04/02/2011 04:08 PM, Tom Vacek wrote:
> I have a similar issue.  I have a problem with ~17000 variables and
> ~1000 equality constraints.  Therefore, the search direction iteration
> matrix should be 18000x18000.  (But it's an easy problem:
> quadratic/affine with a diagonal Hessian).  My system has 16G of memory,
> and an 18000x18000 dense matrix would take 2.5 gigs, yet Ipopt runs out
> of memory.  Also, I can easily factorize the same iteration matrix using
> Matlab ldl, which is ma57 as well.
> Can someone explain why this is so?
> Thanks,
> Tom
> On 03/16/2011 11:04 AM, Jonathan Hogg wrote:
>>      From the linear solver's point of view, this is because it ran out of
>> memory. The "Reallocating memory..." statements would indicate the main
>> cause of this was delayed pivots. The following two solutions then
>> present themselves:
>> (a) Buy more memory (probably cheaper if your time is expensive)
>> (b) Decrease the numerical difficulty of the problem. The could for
>> example involve scaling the matrix better or decreasing the ma57 pivot
>> tolerance/maximum pivot tolerance (though the latter may result in more
>> iterations or failure to converge)
>> Jonathan.
>> On 16/03/11 08:26, Adrian Tica wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have the following problem when I tried to make an optimization:
>>> This is Ipopt version 3.8.3, running with linear solver ma57.
>>> Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...: 82003
>>> Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.: 302
>>> Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............: 0
>>> Reallocating memory for MA57: lfact (1335948)
>>> Reallocating memory for MA57: lfact (2213990)
>>> EXIT: Not enough memory.
>>> I saw a discussion about this, 4 years ago, but I didn't find the
>>> answer. Could you tell me what is the cause, and how could I solve it?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Adrian
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