[Ipopt] Matlab Interface on Mac OS X 10.6

Marnix Volckaert Marnix.Volckaert at mech.kuleuven.be
Tue Apr 6 09:14:44 EDT 2010

Hi Ipopt users,

I'm trying to install the matlab interface on a macbook pro running OS X 10.6. I followed the instructions on this page:

I have installed Ipopt without problems (I checked an example and it runs), and I have configured matlab (R2009a) to run mex files (this also runs). However when I try to 'make install' in the src directory of the matlab interface, I get a whole bunch of errors, that all seem to come from matlabfunctionhandle.h and matlabfunctionhandle.cpp.

I'm hoping that anyone has experience configuring the matlab interface on this system, since there are so many settings (for example with compiling ipopt with the correct compilation flags). So before I dive straight into the wild sea I'm asking: has anyone done this before?



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