[Ipopt] Compiling IpOpt 3.6.1

Krish Krishnan rkrishnan8216 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 30 01:42:53 EDT 2009

Hi All:

I am trying to upgrade my installation of IpOpt.  I am using CygWin, and a combination of Blas, Lapack, Metis and Mumps.  Initially I do not plan to compile using MsVC and Intel fortran and will rely on gcc and gnu fortran.

The error I get is:

"entering Directory '/cygdrive/s/Ipopt-3.3.1/Ipopt/src/LinAlg/TMatririces'
.deps/IpGenTMatrix.Plo:1: ***Multiple Target Patterns. Stop"

The ./configure command that I executed at the beginning did not report any errors.  

Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?  I did not have this problem with earlier versions of Ipopt.


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