[Ipopt] libc.lib

Stefan Vigerske stefan at vigerske.de
Tue Nov 4 03:29:16 EST 2008


>    I have now created the next libs: libIpopt.lib, libCoinBlas.lib, libCoinHSL.ib and libCoinLapack.lib  for Windows and for Microsoft Visual Studio Xpress 9.0
>    Now, after following the instructions of the file called "README_VS8.TXT"  and try to generate the solution for the example "hs071_cpp" using the Visual Studio 9.0 project that you give in the installation, I have an error related with "LIBC.LIB" ... This is my unique error in the process.  How can I fix it????

What does the error look like?
Sometimes forbidding LIBC.LIB as default library to link against helps,
on the command line, this would be something like /nodefaultlib:libc.lib


PS: Please check also the mailing list archives. There have been several
posts dealing with windows compilation and libc.lib.

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