[Ipopt] Compiling with Pardiso or Mumps

Krish Krishnan rkrishnan8216 at yahoo.com
Sat May 3 10:59:23 EDT 2008

Hi All:

I am looking to compile Ipopt on a windows platform using Visual Studio 8,  I would like to leave out the HSL routines and instead use Mumps/pardiso which do not need $pecial licences.  I know there are no ready solutions and have no problems trying to find one myself.  Has anyone thought about the issues? Do I need to modify any Ipopt code where the linear solvers are invoked?  Any clues on what functions need to be modified, if any? Is there any documentation that is available? 

Someone wrote that I can call Pardiso at run time under windows.  Once again would appreciate  any pointers on how this can be done

Once again, thanks in advance

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