[Coin-ipopt] Does the matlab interface support nested functions?

Zaiwen Wen zw2109 at columbia.edu
Tue Jul 10 12:56:51 EDT 2007

Does the matlab interface support nested functions?

I installed Ipopt3.3 and the matlab interface successfully. All the
examples can be run correctly. Then I wrote a test example by using
the nested function (the reason is to avoid global variables or
auxiliary  variables to compute the function value and gradients...).
Matlab complains the following

??? Undefined function or method 'computeJacobianHS071' for input
arguments of type 'double'.

Evaluation of constraint Jacobian failed in call to MATLAB routine
Exception of type: IpoptException in file "Unknown File" at line -1:
 Exception message: Unknown Exception caught in Ipopt
??? IPOPT solver terminated unexpectedly


The tested code is attached.

Best Regards!
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