[Coin-ipopt] CUTEr and IPOPT

woaiquanzhongguo woaiquanzhongguo at 163.com
Fri Apr 6 10:33:23 EDT 2007

 Dear all,
     I have successfully installed IPOPT 3.2.3  using cygwin on Windows.I want to use IPOPT to solve nonlinear problems modelled in SIF. I have installed  CUTEr and Sifdec. I defined the following environment variables: CUTER, MYCUTER,SIFDEC, MYSIFDEC, MASTSIF. I compiled the CUTEr, SifDec and IPOPT with g77.
    I made the installion of all the above software according to their documentations (repeat again),
1)install cuter and sifdec
2)install IPOPT using cygwin on Windows(configure, make install)
3)make cuter
 However,I encountered the following errors:
1.when I type "sdipopt --blas none ROSENBR.SIF"
the output is as follows:
Problem name: ROSENBR
 Double precision version will be formed.
 The objective function uses 1 linear group
 The objective function uses 1 nonlinear group
 There are 2 free variables
/usr/share/cuter/CUTEr.large.pc.lnx.g77/double/bin/ipoptma.o:ipoptma.f:(.text+0x1f0): undefined reference to `_ipopt_'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
limit: Command not found.
/home/Administrator/ipoptmin: Command not found.
 2.when I type "sdipo --blas none ROSENBR.SIF"
the output is as follows: Problem name: ROSENBR
 Double precision version will be formed.
 The objective function uses 1 linear group
 The objective function uses 1 nonlinear group
 There are 2 free variables
limit: Command not found.
Could you give some suggestions about the problems above? Thank you !
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