[Coin-ipopt] How to install IPOPT with Pardiso

Nguyen An Danh andanh at iam.rwth-aachen.de
Wed May 10 00:40:14 EDT 2006


I am trying to intsall IPOPT with Parsido.  I have the following problem while 
I got the license attached to a specific host (i.e. oberon)and username (danh) 
on Suse operating system.  Since I cannot find Pardiso library for Suse 
operating system-AMD64 (X86_64)-Intel EM64T Fortran compiler, I change to 
install Ipopt on AIX 5.1 in 64-bit mode.  Consequently, I must setup the 
following in the file .cshrc:
setenv HOSTNAME janus
setenv USER danh
setenv PARDISO_LIC_PATH /home/$USER/paradiso_lic/$USER/$HOSTNAME
(Of course the pardiso.lic is loacated on the previous directory)

During the configuration, it appears:

checking whether user-supplied Pardiso library "-qsmp=omp $/home/andanh/
Pardiso/libpardiso_P4AIX51_64.so" works... configure: error: Pardiso library 
-qsmp=omp $/home/andanh/Pardiso/libpardiso_P4AIX51_64.so does not seem to 

What is wrong?  Could you tell me how to install IPOPT?

Thank you very much.


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