[Coin-ipopt] Access violation

文浩 wenhao at nuaa.edu.cn
Thu Apr 20 09:07:22 EDT 2006


   Recently,I downloaded the new IPOPT vesion 3.1.0 to solve some optimal control problems.I work with MS VC++ and Intel fortran complilers and use the Quasi-Newton option to approximate the Hessian of the Lagrangian function. But "NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown"  is  reported during the solving process.  This happens not at the beginning of iterations but after hundreds of steps. Could you tell me how to overcome that? 
    In the debug mode,MS VC++ reports before "NonIpopt_Exception_Thrown" 
    Exception 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000034
    The call stack at this point is:

    tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::SmartPtr<Ipopt::LowRankUpdateSymMatrixSpace const >::operator->()  line451 + 0x3	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::LowRankUpdateSymMatrix::P_LowRank()  line235 + 0xf	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::LowRankAugSystemSolver::UpdateFactorization()  行252 + 0xc	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::LowRankAugSystemSolver::Solve()  line103 + 0x69	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::AugRestoSystemSolver::Solve()  line222 + 0x12c	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::LeastSquareMultipliers::CalculateMultipliers()  line81 + 0xe8	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptAlgorithm::AcceptTrialPoint()  line636 + 0x3c	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptAlgorithm::Optimize()  line268	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::MinC_1NrmRestorationPhase::PerformRestoration()  line155 + 0x12	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::BacktrackingLineSearch::FindAcceptableTrialPoint()  line536 + 0x27	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptAlgorithm::ComputeAcceptableTrialPoint()  line474 + 0x24	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptAlgorithm::Optimize()  line263	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptApplication::call_optimize()  line561 + 0x8	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptApplication::OptimizeNLP()  line466 + 0x8	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!Ipopt::IpoptApplication::OptimizeTNLP()  line431 + 0x25	C++
 	tetheropt.exe!main()  line78 + 0x19	C++
        wenhao at nuaa.edu.cn

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